Страница 116 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 1

На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 116 из учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Афанасьева
Listen, CD(57), and match the three texts with the names.

Work in pairs. Complete the dialogue and act it out.
A: What are you going to do on New Year’s Eve?
В: … .
A: And what about New Year’s Day? Will you stay at home or go anywhere?
В: … . And you? What are you going to do?
A: ….

Listen, CD(58), and read.
afraid [əˈfreɪd] – испуганный
decorate [ˈdekəreɪt] – украшать
each [i:ʧ] – каждый
religious [rɪˈlɪʤəs] – религиозный
treat [tri:t] − 1) угощение, лакомство; 2) удовольствие
wait [weɪt] − ждать, ожидать
afraid: to be afraid of something/somebody, to be afraid of dogs, geese, horses, to be afraid of the dark. I am afraid you can miss your bus. Don’t be afraid of horses.
to be afraid to do something: If you don’t know the answer, don’t be afraid to say no. to be afraid of doing something: He is afraid of riding a horse.
decorate: to decorate a room (classroom, hall), to decorate eggs, to decorate with something. We decorated the hall with balloons. They decorated the walls with the pictures and photos.
each: each pupil, each girl, each of us, each of them. Each house in the street has a garden. They each have a book. Each of us got a gift. each other: To see each other, to like each other.
religious: a religious holiday, a religious tradition, religious people. He is a deeply religious person.
treat: an unusual treat, a wonderful treat. It’s a great treat to see you again. I like to give my daughters a little treat on New Year’s Eve.
wait: to wait for somebody, to wait for something. Why are you standing here? − I’m waiting for a bus. Wait a minute, I’m coming with you. We’ll wait and see.

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