Страница 74 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 2

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Match the two parts of the sentences.
1) What time does
2) When does the play
3) The train
4) The bus comes
5) We write
6) The circus
7) I am free
8) The shop

a) at 5 o’clock.
b) the test on Monday.
c) next Wednesday.
d) the film begin?
e) leaves at 14.45.
f) start?
g) opens next month.
h) show finishes at 9.

Choose the right forms to complete the sentences.
1) I (am going/go) to the circus tomorrow.
2) (Does the film begin/Is the film beginning) at 4 o’clock?
3) It (is going to be/is) Sunday tomorrow.
4) The show (is going to start/starts) at 7.
5) My brother (is going to become/becomes) an engineer.
6) This museum (is opening/opens) early in the morning.
7) The children (are watching/watch) a new film tomorrow.

Complete the sentences and write them down.
1) Women and girls often wear … these days. They think it is fashionable.
2) Ann is taking off her …, she is going to put on her blue ….
3) Little Betty always wears her … when she goes to bed.
4) When it is cold, people usually wear … and ….
5) John! You never put your … in their right place.
6) Hang your … on the hook.
7) I bought a new … yesterday.

Which word will you choose to complete these sentences?
1) Where (is/are) your pyjamas?
2) My clothes (is/are) clean.
3) I don’t see your pyjamas. Where are (it/they)?
4) I don’t think your clothes (is/are) clean. I would like to wash (it/them).
5) (This is/These are) my clothes.

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