Страница 66 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 2

На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 66 из учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Афанасьева
Complete these dialogues. Match the sentences in the two columns.
1) − Oh, the door is open.
2) − Did you phone John?
3) − What would you like to drink?
4) − Are you hungry?
5) − We haven’t got any milk.
6) − My bag is so heavy.
a) − I’ll have apple juice, please.
b) − I’ll go and close it.
c) − Oh, no, I forgot. I’ll phone him now.
d) − I’ll help you.
e) − Yes, I think I’ll have something to eat.
f) − I’ll go and buy some.

Write it in the past.
Travelling is my favourite pastime. My parents and I travel a lot and visit different countries. We see them in winter and spring, summer and autumn; when it snows and when the sun shines, when it rains and when it is frosty. We don’t take heavy bags with us when we leave for some place but we always take a lot of pictures.

Spell these words.
1) [fəˈɡet]
2) [frɒst]
3) [ɡraʊnd]
4) [ˈhevi]
5) [ˈhevɪli]
6) [ˈsnəʊfleɪk]
7) [wɪn]
8) [dɪˈɡri:]
9) [ˈzɪərəʊ]

Write a postcard to your pen friend. Tell him/her how you are going to spend your spring holidays. Exercize 6 can help you.

A. Listen to the dialogue, CD (102), and give it a name.
B. Listen to the dialogue again and complete these statements.
1) Peter is going to … for holidays.
a) Italy
b) Greece
c) Spain
2) Peter is going away … .
a) soon
b) tomorrow
c) next Sunday
3) Peter is going to stay at a hotel … .
a) in the mountains
b) on the seashore
c) on the bank of the river
4) Malaga is … .
a) a big industrial city
b) a small village
c) a famous resort
5) Peter is going to … in Malaga.
а) play tennis and football
b) visit his friends
c) spend much time on the beach and sleep a lot
6) Peter is going to send a … to Jack.
a) birthday card
b) greeting card
c) postcard

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