Страница 14 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 2

На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 14 из учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Афанасьева
Say what you think (don’t think) you or other people will do tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, soon.

Complete these sentences. Use I shall.
I’m very tired. I think … .
I’m very tired. I think I shall go to bed.
1) I’m very hungry. I think … .
2) I’m thirsty. I think … .
3) I’m ill. I think … .
4) I’m cold. I think … .
5) I’m hot. I think … .

Write five sentences about what your family won’t do next summer. Use shan’t.
Example: We shan’t go to America next summer.

Complete these sentences.
1) A (milkman/milkmen) brought milk to us when we lived in the country.
2) There was a lot of snow in the garden and we made two (snowman/snowmen).
3) I think my brother will become a (seaman/seamen).
4) There are a lot of (fisherman/fishermen) at the fish market.

Listen, CD (77), and say which sentences you could hear.
a) From this place you can see the Atlantic Ocean.
b) From this place you’ll see the Atlantic Ocean.
a) You soon discover that it’s better to tell the truth.
b) You’ll soon discover that it’s better to tell the truth.
a) I remember this day as long as I live.
b) She’ll remember this day as long as she lives.
a) We make this voyage together.
b) We’ll make this voyage together.
a) Your teacher tells you about our planet.
b) Your teacher’ll tell you about our planet.
a) The brave sailors discover a new land.
b) The brave sailors’ll discover a new land.
a) The land extended north and south.
b) The land’ll extend north and south.
a) We sailed from Hull on July 15.
b) We’ll sail from Hull on July 15.

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