Страница 57 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 1

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back [bæk] назад, обратно
beach [bi:ʧ] пляж
diary [ˈdaɪəri] дневник (не школьный)
during [ˈdjʊərɪŋ] в течение
find [faɪnd] находить
resort [rɪˈzɔ:t] курорт
sand [sænd] песок
sandy [ˈsændi] песчаный
terrible [ˈterəbl] ужасный
go boating кататься на лодке
go fishing ловить рыбу
make sandcastles строить замки из песка
back: to come back, to go back, to give back. Sam comes home back from school at five. Will you give me back my pen, please? Put the book back on the shelf.
beach: wonderful beaches, on the beach. There were a lot of children on the beach. Come to the beach in the morning.
diary: an old diary, Yura’s diary, to write in a diary. The sisters wrote about everything in their diaries.
during: during summer, during the holidays, during the lesson. During his visit to Great Britain Yura met a lot of people.
find (found): to find a coin, to find an old stamp. Jack couldn’t find his bag, but then he found it under the sofa. To find something interesting (good, bad). I find trips to the mountains interesting.
resort: a wonderful resort, a summer resort. It is a famous resort. Brighton is a famous resort town.
sand: a lot of sand, little sand, yellow sands, to play in/on the sand. Little Lizzy played on the yellow sand near the tent.
sandy: sandy beaches. Some resorts are famous for their sandy beaches.
terrible: terrible weather, terrible food, a terrible wind. We had a terrible time during our last holidays.
go boating (fishing): Many people like to go boating and fishing in summer.
make sandcastles: Children like to make sandcastles on the beach.
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