Страница 132 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова. Часть 1

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Choose the right words to complete the sentences.
1) − (Was/Were) there any money in the box?
− I don’t know, but there (is/are) no money in it now.
2) Where (is/are) the coins? (Is/Are) they on the shelf?
3) Ask Jane if she has (many/much) money.
4) Money (was/were) important in the past, money (is/are) important now.
5) Take (this/these) money and buy some fruit.
6) The money (is/are) not in the bag, (it/they) (is/are) in the moneybox.

Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Write them down.
at, in, on
1) I like to be with my family … Christmas.
2) People in Russia usually don’t celebrate Christmas … December, they celebrate it … January.
3) All my family are very busy … New Year’s Eve.
4) We were going to buy New Year gifts … the afternoon.
5) People believe that Santa visits their houses … midnight.
6) … Sunday morning everything was ready for the holiday.

Choose the right words to complete the sentences. Write them down.
1) Please give me the money (who/which) lies on the desk.
2) Some people believe (which/that) witches and black cats always go together.
3) Father Christmas brings presents to children (who/which) are good, quiet and helpful.
4) We want to prepare a dinner (which/whose) everybody will like.
5) I like the clock (whose/which) face is light blue: it looks very nice.

Give the past forms of these verbs.
Example: find − found
1) hang − ?
2) make − ?
3) lie − ?
4) move − ?
5) appear − ?
6) build − ?
7) defend − ?
8) write − ?
9) hug − ?
10) strike − ?

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