Решение заданий заданий 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 со страницы 97 учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Ваулина
4. Read again. What adjectives/phrases does Lucy use to describe her feelings?
5. a) Read the sentences. Which expresses: plans for the future? intentions/ambitions for the future?
b) Work in small groups. Make a list of places Lucy and her family are going to visit. Use your list to tell the group about Lucy’s family’s plans.
6. In pairs, ask and answer as in the example.
7. Use the prompts to act out exchanges.
8. Listen and tick (√) the correct box.
- What is Jane going to do on holiday?
- What are Mark and Jim going to do on Saturday night?
- What does Sarah like best about Paris?
9. Listen and repeat. Think of two more words to add to the list.
10. Portfolio: You are on holiday in your favourite city.
Write a letter to your best friend, saying what you are going/not going to do there. Compare with what you did during your last holiday.
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