Страница 28- ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко

Решение заданий заданий 1, 2, 3, 4 со страницы 28 учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Ваулина

1. Match the means of transport to the verbs. Listen and check.

2. Look at the pictures. What can/can’t you do?

3. What do these traffic signs tell us? Circle the correct word.

4. Listen to the dialogue between Jane and her driving instructor. They are at point X. Mark the route they take and say where Jane parks the car in the end.

− Are you ready, Jane?
− Yes, let’s do this!
− OK. Remember now you have to be careful on the road all the time. OK? Go down Bridge Road towards the Park Hotel.
− OK. Should I go straight or do you want me to turn right to Apple Street?
− No, you can’t turn right to Apple Street and you can’t go straight. Look at this sign.
− Oh, yeah. I can only turn left here.
− Very good. So turn left into Apple Street.
− Here we go.
− Perfect! Now stop at the traffic lights because the light is red. When the light turns green, turn left into Mill Street.
− I see.
− Now park in front of the hospital.
− But I can’t park there. Look at the sign.
− Excellent! Turn left into Green Street and go towards the park. You can park opposite the driving school.
− Fine.
− And here we are. You did great today, Jane!
− Thank you, Mr Jones!

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