Страница 43- ГДЗ по Английскому языку 6 класс Учебник Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко

Решение заданий заданий 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 со страницы 43 учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Ваулина

1. Read the title. How is it related to the pictures? What do you think the text is about? Read and check.

Drawing Numbers

It is not always easy to pass along information about numbers using just words. One of 0) the best ways to do that is to use a graph or 1) _ chart. Some of them 2) _ : the line graph, the bar graph and the pie chart.

The Line Graph

In this type of graph, 3) _ use a line to present information. The line graph shows information, which changes over time.

The Bar Graph

Bar graphs can 4) _ horizontal or vertical. This type of graph 5) _ very useful for comparing two or more similar things.

The Pie Chart

In pie charts you can see 6) _ section is large and what sections are small. In many pie charts, the most important section is separated from the rest of the pie.

2. Use the words to fill in the missing words. Listen and check.

3. Which type of graph is best for comparing things? Why do you think the third chart is called a pie chart? What can you read in these graphs?

4. Which type of chart would you use to present the following information:
Things teenagers spend their money on

  • food: 50%
  • clothes: 20%
  • entertainment: 30%

5. Close your books and tell the class why we use graphs and what the most important types are.

6. In pairs carry out a survey about an important aspect of your school life (sports, clubs, school meals). Make a graph to show the results. Present it to the class.

7. Project: Find various types of graphs. Bring them to the class and explain them.

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