Решение заданий заданий 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 со страницы 47 учебника по английскому языку 6 класс Ваулина
5. a) Look at the sentences. How do we form the present continuous affirmative?
I am making a phone call.
He is doing his homework.
We are making a cake now.
b) Read the verb forms for the email again and find the verb forms for actions happening now, at the moment of speaking.
c) Write the −ing form of the verbs. Find them in the email and check. What are the spelling rules?
6. Use the prompts to say what the people in the picture are doing. What are they celebrating?
- blow a party horn
- talk on the mobile
- dance
- play the drums
- eat a sandwich
- bring a cake
7. Listen to the music and the sounds. Imagine the scene. Describe to your partner what is happening.
8. Imagine it is New Year’s Eve in your country. What are you/your family doing? Discuss it in small groups.
9. Look at the text. What is it? Can you guess what type of words are missing? Listen and complete the gaps.
10. Portfolio: Write an invitation card for a party.
Use the invitation in Ex. 8 as a model.
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