Страницы 98-99 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Учебник Spotlight Ваулина Ю.Е. Модуль 10

Рассмотрим ответы на Страницы 98-99 из учебника по английскому языку для 7 класса Ваулиной
Have you ever had any of the accidents below? How/ When did it happen?

A: Have you ever broken your leg?
B: Yes, I have.
A: How did it happen?
B: I fell off my bicycle two years ago.

a) Where are the people in the cartoon strip? How is the cartoon strip related to the unit title? Listen, read and check.

− Hey Bill! Look at me!
− Look out for…
− … that … lamp−post!!!!
− Too late …
− Are you all right?
− I think I’ve twisted my ankle. It really hurts!
− Don’t worry. I’ll call for an ambulance. In the meantime, let me wrap your ankle with my handkerchief.
− Hmm … You’ve hurt yourself quite badly, young man!
− Your ankle might be broken, you know.
− Bad luck, Mat, I’m sure you’ll be fine soon. Let’s just call it a summer break!
Explain the words in bold.

Why is the last exchange funny? What is the pun? Find the puns in some of the jokes in this book and explain them.
Match the beginnings of the jokes (1−2) to the endings (A−B). Listen and check. Explain the puns.
1.Why did the boy throw the butter out of the window?
2. Which day of the week do fish hate?
A. Friday (fry day)
B. He wanted to see a butterfly. (butter fly)

Read the cartoon strip aloud.

a) Read about reflexive pronouns in the box. How do we form reflexive pronouns? Find examples in the cartoon strip.







We use reflexive pronouns:
• when the subject and the object of the verb are the same.
She cut herself.
• to emphasise the subject.
I did it myself.
• with a preposition to mean ‘without help’.
She raises her children by herself.

Use reflexive pronouns to complete the gaps.
1.Sarah made this sweater _ .
2. My brother irons his shirts by _ .
3. I cut _ when I was cooking.
4. Jo and Tim hurt _ while climbing.
Tell your partner three things you can do all by yourself.

Use the language in the boxes as well as the vocabulary in Ex. 1 to act out similar exchanges.

Asking about health

• Are you feeling unwell?
• It’s nothing serious.

• What’s the matter?
• It’s going to be all right.

• Are you all right?
• Don’t worry.

• Is something wrong?

A: What’s the matter?
B: I think I’ve twisted my ankle.
A: Don’t worry. It’s going to be all right.

What is the text below? Listen and complete the missing information .
Order: bouquet of flowers
• St Patrick’s 1) _ .
Room No 2) _
• Mrs 3) _
• card
• Hope you feel 4) _ soon!
• Must be at hospital before 5) _ .
Have you ever sent someone a get−well card? What did you write on the card?

Write a story about an accident you had, or one you have heard about, and draw pictures to go with it.

Модуль 1
Модуль 2
Модуль 3
Модуль 4
Модуль 5
Модуль 6
Модуль 7
Модуль 8
Модуль 9
Модуль 10
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