Страница 90 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова English Student’s Book

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Choose a project you’d like to do.
Project 1 Our Last Class Celebration
Write about the celebration you liked best of all. Write what activities you had.
Write who took part in the activities.
If you have photos, stick them. If not, draw pictures.
Make a poster with your comments on these activities.
Project 2 The Last ‘Open House’ at Our school
• Write what activities you had.
• Write who took part in the activities.
• Stick photos or draw pictures.
• Make a poster with your comments 011 these activities.
Project 3 My Unusual Celebration
Write about the celebration that you think was unusual. Write about the activities, who took part in them and what happened.
Stick photos or draw pictures.
Make a poster.

2. Present your project. Answer your classmates’ questions.

3. Discuss your projects and decide which is the best.

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