Страница 126 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова English Student’s Book

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The voyage from Britain to the USA is interesting. mm Complete the conversation between Clare and Laura.
Laura: When are you going on a voyage?
Clare: in a week.
Laura: ?
Clare: Yes, my brother is going with me.
Laura: How many days are you going to spend at sea?
Clare: 10 days.
Laura: What on board the ship?
Clare: I think I’ll watch films, play tennis and feed seabirds. Laura: Where the voyage?
Clare: In Southampton.
Laura: When in New York?
Clare: On the fourth of July.

Role play. You and your foreign friend are talking about a future trip.
Pupil Card 1
You and your foreign friend are talking about a future trip.
You begin the conversation. You are going to Brighton.* Answer your friend’s questions about your future trip. Use the information from Lesson 3, ex. 1.3).
Pupil Card 2
You and your foreign friend are talking about a future trip.
You know that your foreign friend and his/her parents are going on a trip to Brighton.* Ask him/her about the future trip. Use the information from Lesson 3, ex. 1.3)

AB ex. 1.

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