Страница 27 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова English Student’s Book

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In Earlham High School there are some other rules.

1) Who has to follow these rules?

be at school before 8.50.
be tidy.
get permission to go home at lunchtime.
tell the form teacher if their child
can’t come to school,
care about pupils’ safety,
check homework diaries every week,
teach pupils safety rules.

2) Do you have to follow similar rules at your school? Before doing the exercise read the Learning to Learn note.
Learning to Learn
Как научиться сравнивать (факты, действия, качества предметов)
В разговоре мы часто сравниваем факты, действия, качества предметов. Они бывают похожими или непохожими, лучше или хуже. Всё это выражается по-разному. См. таблицу.

Сначала внимательно прочитай или послушай фразу, данную в упражнении, например: Pupils have to be at school before 8.50.

Сравни с имеющейся у тебя информацией, например:
We also have to be at school before 8.50. (факты сходные)
But we don’t have to be at school before 8.50. Или But we have to be at school before 8 o’clock, (факты различаются)
At our school we have to be tidy but boys don’t have to wear school ties.

3) What questions can Clare ask you about the rules at your school?
write down the homework
in the homework diary?
check your diary?
stay at school at lunch-have to time?
eat lunch at school?
come before or after 8 o’clock?
change classrooms?

4) In your Culture. Compare British and Russian schools. (AB ex. 1)

5) Song. “School Rules Rap”. (AB ex. 2)

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