Страница 26 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова English Student’s Book

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Clare has got a letter from her pen friend, Ann.

1) What is the letter about?
Dear Clare,
You asked me about the rules in Earlham High I School. Our school uniform is boring. I have to wear a white or blue blouse and a blue skirt. And my brother has to wear a school tie. He hates it. Girls skirt don’t have to wear ties. Besides1, we have to bring , swimming costumes for PE lessons.
I like jeans, but we mustn’t wear jeans at school. I I think it’s not fair. Do you have to wear a school uni- i form? What’s it like?
Yours, Ann

2) What verb forms does Ann use when she talks about the rules?

3) Read the rule and check.

Grammar in Focus
Modal verb have to
Модальный глагол have to
Если мы говорим о том, что мы вынуждены делать или нам необходимо делать в соответствии с определёнными правилами, мы используем have (has) to + V:
We have to wear school ties. — Нам приходится носить галстуки.
I don’t have to wear a tie. — Мне не нужно носить галстук.
Do you have to wear a school tie? — Тебе нужно носить галстук?

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