Страница 120 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова English Student’s Book

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Pair work. It will be Laura’s first visit to Brighton.
What instructions could Laura ask for? Use the words from the box.
Shall I take my favourite CDs? — You needn’t.1
Если мы спрашиваем, как поступить в дальнейшем, мы говорим: Shall I take my camera? Мне взять свой фотоаппарат?
Of course, it’s a very good idea!
Do, please, it’s a very good idea!
No, thank you!
I am afraid you can’t.
I am afraid you don’t have to.
I am sorry; you needn’t …
take my favourite CDs
take my favourite books
learn a popular song
buy a fancy dress costume
take my guitar
take a swimming costume
prepare two or more swimming costumes
take some money for souvenirs
help you to prepare for the trip

After the trip to Brighton Laura has invited Clare to go to the local zoo.
What do you think Clare will do? What won’t she do? Use the words from the box.
ask for her parents’ permission
ask for some pocket money
wear her jeans and T-shirt
wear her best clothes
take some/any food with her
buy a hamburger at the zoo
buy an ice cream2
buy some souvenirs
feed animals
take photos
follow the zoo rules

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