Страница 38 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова English Student’s Book

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There is a children’s club, «Willing Helpers”, at Paul’s school. After the lessons the children are talking about how to help people in their neighbourhood.

1) Vocabulary. What might the children do? What do you think? Use the Word Box.

Word Box
to clean up neighbourhood — прибирать, приводить в порядок окрестности, райо
to do the shopping — делать покупки to pick up litter — собирать мусор
to collect secondhand books — собирать подержанные книг
to help children in a local hospital — помогать детям в местной больнице
to do tricks — показывать фокусы to rake leaves — сгребать листья
to wash off graffiti from the walls — смывать надписи, рисунки со стен
to sew soft toys — шить мягкие игрушки
to help elderly and lonely people — помогать пожилым и одиноким

2) What are the children going to do to help people In their neighborhood?
— Let’s clean up our neighborhood.
— Look! There is a lot of litter near the river. We could pick it up.
— And what about washing off graffiti?
I don’t think it is interesting. We might help children in the local hospital.
— What might we do?
We could sew soft toys and collect secondhand books for them.
— And we may play with them. I can do tricks.
— That’s great! We might help elderly and lonely people, too.
— That’s right! Let’s help them to clean their windows and gardens.
— Yes, we could sweep the paths in their gardens and …
— And we can rake the leaves and water the flowers.
— Besides, we can do the shopping for them.

3) Pair work. What do you think about these activities?
To pick up litter?
To help elderly and lonely people?
To do tricks?
To help the children?
To water flowers?
To rake leaves?
To wash off graffiti?
To collect secondhand books? To do the shopping?
It may be
It might be
It is great!

4) How can children help people in their neighbourhood? (AB ex. 1)

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