Страница 35 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова English Student’s Book

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A girl is talking about her family.
Mark the following sentences with “T” if the information is true or “F” if it is false. You will hear the text twice.
1. Kerry has to go to the swimming pool.
2. Kerry’s parents may not know where she is sometimes.
3. Kerry has some chores to do at home.
4. Kerry’s parents are strict about watching TV.
5. Kerry’s parents are not strict about using the phone.
6. Perhaps Kerry’s family will go to Jamaica in summer.
Текст для аудирования
Hi! My name’s Kerry. I live in London, England. I live with my mum, my dad and my sister Cheri. I like living in London because there are a lot of museums, theatres, cinemas, parks and sports centres with swim¬ming pools. I like spending time with my friends. But I always ask for my parents’ permission before I go anywhere. Rules are simple in our house. I must always be home on time. I must help with the chores in the house. I mustn’t watch TV if I haven’t done my homework. And I mustn’t spend a long time on the phone. My mum and dad come from Jamaica. This summer we may go on holiday there.

Here is a letter from a girl to a children’s newspaper and the response to this letter. For questions 1—4, choose the correct answer a or b.
My sister always spends a lot of time on the computer and I don’t have the time. I don’t think that’s fair. What should I do? Ann B., Norwich
Your sister may spend longer hours on the computer be¬cause of her schoolwork. If she is older than you, she may have more difficult homework to do.
You should talk to your parents and your sister. Tell your parents how you feel. They may not know that your sister spends a longer time on the computer, or they may think it is fair.
Computers are interesting and it’s easy to forget about the time when you are on the Internet or playing a game. Some families buy a timer. Then all people in the family can get a bit of computer time.
1What is the girl’s problem?
a Her sister is not fair.
b Her sister uses the computer longer.
2 Why is it happening?
a Perhaps the girl’s homework is easier than her sister’s home¬work.
b Perhaps the girl’s sister has to do a lot of chores about the house.
3 What tips can be useful for the girl?
a To talk with the parents about the problem, b To forget about the problem.
4 What do the parents think about the problem? a Perhaps they don’t think it is good.
b Perhaps they don’t know about the problem.

Here are some tips on using the Internet.
Choose the best variant a, b or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
Talk with your (0) parent: about rules for using the Internet. Always these rules. People from all over the world can (2) you. They are to you. Don’t forget about this when you are on the Net and you’ll be (4) You shouldn’t give out your (5) , telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number without your parents’ (6) Be very (7) of any people (8) they ask you to come to some place, or ask you to give money. You shouldn’t write e-mail (9) all in LETTERS, people may think you are angry.

2 Kerry talks about her first school days.

1) Choose the best word or phrase a or b. There is an example (0) at the begin¬ning.
I like going back to school because I (0) can see all my friends. I (1) hurry because on the first day I (2) be at school only at 9 o’clock. At school I meet my friends and we (3) go to our classroom. We get information about our new classes and we (4) get our homework diaries. Then we (5) to find our classes and meet our teachers.

2) Complete each sentence. Use may/might, must. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
Perhaps Kerry has got a lot of friends at school.
Kerry have a lot of friends at school.
I’m sure Kerry has some school rules.
Kerry some school rules.
Perhaps Kerry wears a school uniform.
Kerry a school uniform.
I’m sure Kerry has computer lessons at school.
Kerry : computer lessons at school.
Perhaps Kerry’s school is not very big.
Kerry’s school very big.
I’m sure Kerry is a pupil of a London school because she lives in London.
Kerry a pupil of a London school.

1. Role play. You are on an exchange scussing safety rules in different countries.
Pupil Card 1.
You and your friend are discussing safety rules in different countries.
You begin the conversation.
Don’t forget to:
• ask about safety rules in his/her family and at school;
• say what you think about these rules;
• say what may happen if you don’t follow these rules;
• answer your classmate’s questions.
Pupil Card 2.
You and your friend are discussing safety rules in different countries. Listen to your friend.
Don’t forget to:
• answer your friend’s questions;
• say what you think about these safety rules;
• say what may happen if you don’t follow these rules;
• ask about safety rules in his/her family and at school.

2. What do you think about the most popular chores that children have in their families?
Don’t forget to say:
• what chores children may have;
• which of them are the most popular;
• what chores you have;
• what you think about these chores.

A popular British newspaper for schoolchildren asks its readers to answer the question: “Do you often use the Net?”.
Write a letter to the newspaper. (70—80 words) Do the task in your exercise book. Don’t forget to write about:
• what you like about the Internet;
• what you think is not good about the Internet;
• what rules you have to follow and why.

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