Страница 30 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова English Student’s Book

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Paul and his friends like using the Internet

1) What do they think about using the Internet?

a) What are they sure of? Translate the sentences.

b) What are they not sure of? Translate the sentences.
It may be dangerous to give your address on the Internet.
A stranger on the Internet might trick you.
It may be safer to give your nickname, not your real name.
You must be silly if you tell anyone your name and address.
Not all information 011 the Internet may be true.
E-mail may be useful.

2) What do you think about using the Internet?

a) What are you sure of?

b) What are you not sure of?
Using the Internet
A stranger 011 the Net must
E-mail may
Information 011 the Net might
Playing computer games
a nickname — псевдоним (ник)
true — верный, правильный
useful — полезный
be interesting, be fun, be dangerous, be useful, be easy, be true, be evil, be friendly, be exciting, trick you, become safer.

3) Here is what Clare’s friends think about computers and Internet safety rules. Do you agree with the children?
Perhaps some children are afraid to use the Internet. Yes, some children may be afraid to use the Internet.
Perhaps some rules of using the Internet are silly.

I’m sure some rules are good and useful.
Perhaps some strangers on the Internet are not good.
I’m sure a computer club is a popular place with children.
I am sure online games are great fun.
Perhaps some parents like computer games, some other parents don’t like computer games.
Perhaps it is not safe to put your photo on the Internet.

4) Children like using emoticons on the Net.
Can you guess what they mean? (AB ex. 1)

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