Страница 67 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова English Student’s Book

На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 67 из учебника по английскому языку 5 класс Кузовлев
When Clare Douglas is in Oban, Scotland, she often telephones her friends.

1) Who does Clare usually visit in Oban? (listening for specific information)

2) Why does Clare like visiting Oban?
Clare: Good morning, Mrs Warren. Can I talk to Jess?
Mrs Warren: Hello, Clare. Jess, it’s for you!
Clare: Hi, Jess! Guess where I am?
Jess: I don’t know. You may be in Oban.
Clare: You knew!
Jess: Of course not! What are you doing there, Clare?
Clare: I am visiting my aunt in Oban.
Jess: Fine! How is your aunt then? Say hello to her. But Clare, what do you do in Oban every year?
Clare: First, you know my aunt lives in Oban. Second, I have been in Oban for the past ten days and I like it here. There are a lot of things to do.
Jess: What things?
Clare: Well, it’s a seaport. I can swim in the sea. My uncle has got 2 horses; Jay rides a horse every morning. My dad likes fishing and he fishes. I often join him. And every time I am in Oban, I go to a World in Miniature*. It has a wonderful exhibition of dolls’ houses. They are beautiful!
Jess: Dolls’ houses? I’d like to see them.

3) Find out:
• how the girls begin the telephone conversation;
• what Clare says about what she and her family usually do;
• what Clare says about what she is doing;
• what Clare says about how long she has been to Oban.

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