Страница 146 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова English Student’s Book

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Role play. Clare/Paul is staying in Moscow. You are talking with her/him.
Complete the conversation.
You: How long have you stayed in Moscow?
Clare/Paul:for two days
You: any sights yet?
Clare/Paul: Oh, yes. I
You: That’s great!
Clare/Paul: I liked it very much.
You: many times.
Clare/Paul: What of the attractions?
You: They are

Pair Work. Share your impressions of your favourite trips.
Pupil Card 1
You are talking about your favourite trips.
You begin the conversation.
Remember to:
• say what trip you liked best of all;
• say what you did during the trip;
• ask your friend about his/her favourite trip;
• answer your friend’s questions.
Pupil Card 2
You are talking about your favourite trips.
Listen to your friend. Don’t forget to:
• answer his/her questions;
• talk about your favourite trip;
• say why it was your best trip;
• ask your friend about his/her impressions of the trip.

All about me. My favourite impressions. (AB No. 16), AB ex. 2.

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