Страница 24 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова English Student’s Book

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Vocabulary. A police officer came to Clare’s school one day.
1) What did he tell the children about? Use the Word Box.

Word Box
address — адрес
alone — один
anywhere — куда-либо
before — до, прежде чем
to be cautious
(of) — быть осмотрительным (с кем-л.), остерегаться (кого-л.)
to саге (about) —заботиться (о), беспокоиться (о)
to check (with) — проверять, сверять
danger — опасность e-mail — электронная почта;
to open one’s e-mail — ?
fair — справедливый
to follow — следовать
to hurt — причинить вред
if — если
permission — разрешение
safety — безопасность;
safe (a) — ?
a stranger [‘streindp] — незнакомец, незнакомый человек
to trick — обмануть
without — без;
without permission — ?

2) After the lesson, children from Clare’s class talk about the rules in their families.
Which rules are more strict? Choose. Which rules are less strict? Choose.
I mustn’t go anywhere alone. I should take my friend with me. My parents care about my safety.
I should check with my parents before I go anywhere.
I must be very cautious of strangers.
I should tell my parents or a teacher if I am in danger. I must follow Internet safety rules when I go on the Internet.
I shouldn’t open e-mails* from strangers without my parents’ permission. My parents should check this e-mail.
I mustn’t tell a stranger my name and address. I must always ask my parents’ permission. It is a fair rule. Mum says a stranger can trick or hurt me.

Grammar for Revision
Modal verbs must, should
Модальные глаголы must, should
You mustn’t use the Internet alone.
You must get your parents’ permission.
You shouldn’t post your photo on the Internet.
You should think about your safety.

3) What do you think about these rules?
They should be cautious of strangers. I think (I don’t think) it is important.
It is silly.
It is important.

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