Страница 42 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова English Student’s Book

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The people in the community are happy.

1) What have the children done? Match the sentences.
Mrs Welsh is very happy. Her garden is clean.
Mrs Welsh is happy because her house is clean, too.
Mrs Welsh is happy. Her flowers are beautiful.
Mr Elson is happy. There is a lot of food in the fridge.
Mr Davis is happy because the paths in his garden are clean.
The children in the hospital are happy. They have a lot of new toys.
Alex has swept the paths.
Ron has done the shopping.
Alex has raked the leaves in her garden.
Helen has watered the flowers.
Helen and Ann have sewn soft toys for them.
The twins Jay and Jane have cleaned up the house.

2) This is whai the children planned to do to help people in their neighbourhood.
What have the children done? What haven’t they done? Use ex. 2.
Alex help Mrs Welsh rake the leaves sweep the paths
Jay and Jane sweep the paths sew two toys clean up the house
Ann clean up the buy food for Mr Elson sew a toy
Ron water the flowers for Mrs Welsh do the shopping for Mr Elson
Alex has raked the leaves but he hasn’t swept the paths. Jay and Jane have swept the paths.

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