Страница 17 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова English Student’s Book

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Role play. Stuart Weller wants to make friends with you.
Complete the conversation. Do the task In your exercise book.

Stuart: What’s your name?
You: My name is Ann. Where do you live?
Stuart: I live in Delaware, USA. What about you?
You: I live in Samara . What form (grade) are you in?
Stuart: I’m in the 9th grade.
You: What games do you like playing after school?/What do you do after school?
Stuart: I play tennis every Wednesday at our sports centre. And your hobby?
You: And what is your hobby?

Imagine you are staying with the Douglas family.

1) Role play. You are talking with Jay.
Pupil Card 1
You are Jay. You are talking with the Russian boy/girl who is staying with your family. You begin the conversation.
Ask questions about:
• his/her age1;
• his/her school (form, favourite subjects);
• his/her favourite spare time activities.
Answer his/her questions. Use the following Information:
Park Lane School, the 5th form, a football club, 3 times a week

Pupil Card 2.
You are staying with the Douglas family. You are talking with Jay. Listen to Jay and answer his questions. Ask Jay about:
• his age1;
• his school (form);
• his favourite spare time activities.

2) Tell Clare and Jay’s parents about yourself.

AB ex. 1.

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