Страница 34 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Кузовлев, Лапа, Перегудова English Student’s Book

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Choose a project you’d like to do.

Project 1 Our Class Safety Rules
Write what safety rules you follow.
Make new rules and write about why these rules are useful.
Make a poster with your comments1 about these rules.

Project 2 Rules for Parents
• Think of rules that may be useful for your parents.
• Write why these rules are useful.
• Make a poster with your comments about these rules.

Project 3 Our Chores in the Families.
• Write what chores you have in your family.
• Illustrate the chores with photos or pictures.
• Write captions.2
• Make a poster about all your chores.

Present your project. Answer your classmates’ questions. m 3. Discuss your projects and choose the best.

Discuss your projects and choose the best.

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