Страница 8 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 6 класса Учебник Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В. Starter unit

На странице ответы на Страница 8 из учебника по информатике для 7 класса Босовой
9 Put these times in order. Start with one o’clock.
nine o’clock
twenty to five
one o’clock
a quarter past three
ten past two
a quarter to six
ten to seven
half past four
five to eight

10 Work in pairs. Ask and answer.
What time is it?

Recycle Days and dates
11 Look at the calendar. What day of the week are these dates?
first eleventh twenty-second third fourteenth twenty-fifth sixth seventeenth

12 Work in pairs. Ask and answer.
When’s your birthday?
It’s on …

Recycle The alphabet and spelling
13 (03) Listen and repeat.
a b c d e f g h
i j к l m n о p q
r s t u v w x у z

14 (04) Listen to the two dialogues. Write the names.
Текст аудирования:
1 (R = Receptionist К = Kathryn)
R: Hello! What’s your name?
K: Kathryn Jones.
R: Can you spell that, please?
K: Yes, it’s K-A-T-H-R-Y-N J-O-N-E-S.
R: OK, thanks.
2 (W = William О = Operator)
W: Hello, this is William Boyd.
O: Sorry, can you repeat that, please?
W: Yes — William Boyd. W-I-L-L-I-A-M B-O-Y-D. O: Great, thanks William.

Recycle English in the classroom
15 (05) Read and listen. What object is it?
A What’s this in English?
В It’s a pencil sharpener.
A Sorry, can you repeat that?
В Yes, it’s a pencil sharpener.
A Can you spell that, please?
В Yes. It’s P-E-N-C-l-L S-H-A-R-P-E-N-E-R.
A Thanks!

16 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the objects on page 7.
What’s this in English?
It’s a …

Starter unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Revision 1
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Revision 2
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Revision 3
Across the curriculum
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