На странице ответы на Страница 146 из учебника по информатике для 7 класса Босовой
Across the curriculum
Climate zones
1 Match the words with the pictures.
1 South Pole
2 North Pole
3 Equator
4 Tropic of Cancer
5 Tropic of Capricorn
6 The tropics
7 Storm
8 Hurricanes
Different climates
2 Read the descriptions and match them with the pictures.
(1) Tropical climates have high temperatures all year and high rainfall. Tropical areas are usually near the Equator. There are often storms and hurricanes in these areas.
(2) Monsoon climates have two seasons – wet and dry – but it is always warm. South east Asia, India and parts of Africa and South America have this type of climate.
(3) Dry climates have very low rainfall. The temperatures can be very hot or very cold. Deserts have this climate.
A desert is any place with less than 250 mm of rain per year.
(4) in most of Europe and North America we have a warm climate – it isn’t too cold in winter or too hot in summer and it rains moderately. Parts of China and Australia also have this climate.
This is the best climate for agriculture.
(5) Cool climates are in the far north of Europe and North America and the far south of South America and New Zealand. Here, the winters are longer and colder than in the warm climate areas.
(6) Cold climates have an average temperature of 0°C and are frozen all year round. The rainfall is low in these areas. Cold climate zones are situated at the Poles (North and South) and at the top of very high mountains.
3 Choose the correct answers.
1 Tropical climates have high rainfall.
a) high rainfall.
b) low rainfall.
c) no rainfall.
2 The North Pole has got a cold climate,
a) cool
b) tropical
c) cold
3 Monsoon climates have two seasons,
a) two
b) three
c) four
4 A desert has less than 250 mm of rainfall per year.
a) 100
b) 50
c) 250
5 The best climate for agriculture is a warm climate.
a) monsoon climate.
b) warm climate.
c) cold climate.
Across the curriculum
Climate zones
1 Match the words with the pictures.
1 South Pole
2 North Pole
3 Equator
4 Tropic of Cancer
5 Tropic of Capricorn
6 The tropics
7 Storm
8 Hurricanes
Different climates
2 Read the descriptions and match them with the pictures.
(1) Tropical climates have high temperatures all year and high rainfall. Tropical areas are usually near the Equator. There are often storms and hurricanes in these areas.
(2) Monsoon climates have two seasons – wet and dry – but it is always warm. South east Asia, India and parts of Africa and South America have this type of climate.
(3) Dry climates have very low rainfall. The temperatures can be very hot or very cold. Deserts have this climate.
A desert is any place with less than 250 mm of rain per year.
(4) in most of Europe and North America we have a warm climate – it isn’t too cold in winter or too hot in summer and it rains moderately. Parts of China and Australia also have this climate.
This is the best climate for agriculture.
(5) Cool climates are in the far north of Europe and North America and the far south of South America and New Zealand. Here, the winters are longer and colder than in the warm climate areas.
(6) Cold climates have an average temperature of 0°C and are frozen all year round. The rainfall is low in these areas. Cold climate zones are situated at the Poles (North and South) and at the top of very high mountains.
3 Choose the correct answers.
1 Tropical climates have high rainfall.
a) high rainfall.
b) low rainfall.
c) no rainfall.
2 The North Pole has got a cold climate,
a) cool
b) tropical
c) cold
3 Monsoon climates have two seasons,
a) two
b) three
c) four
4 A desert has less than 250 mm of rainfall per year.
a) 100
b) 50
c) 250
5 The best climate for agriculture is a warm climate.
a) monsoon climate.
b) warm climate.
c) cold climate.
Starter unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Revision 1
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Revision 2
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Revision 3
Across the curriculum