На странице ответы на Страница 21 из учебника по информатике для 7 класса Босовой
2 Meet the family
Unit contents:
Vocabulary Family, describing people Grammar have got; How many …?
Skills Read about a circus family
Listen to Emma describing her cousins
Write a description
Talk about shopping
Across the curriculum Art
Culture The USA: The Red Earth Festival
2 Meet the family
Unit contents:
Vocabulary Family, describing people Grammar have got; How many …?
Skills Read about a circus family
Listen to Emma describing her cousins
Write a description
Talk about shopping
Across the curriculum Art
Culture The USA: The Red Earth Festival
Family quiz …
1 Twins are two brothers or sisters that have got the same date of birth. Find the twins in the picture.
2 What’s the word for six brothers or sisters with the same date of birth?
a) triplets
b) quadruplets
c) sextuplets
3 In which country can families only have one child?
a) the USA
b) China
c) Russia
4 What’s the average number of children in British families?
a) 1.2
b) 1.8
c) 2.6
Starter unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Revision 1
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Revision 2
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Revision 3
Across the curriculum