Страница 130 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 6 класса Учебник Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В. Across the curriculum

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Across the curriculum
New English words
1 Match the words with the pictures.
Are the words similar in your language?
The origin of English words
Pre-Roman times
Early people in Britain speak Celtic.
1st century AD
Romans invade Britain. Latin is the language of the Roman Empire.
Germanic tribes invade from continental Europe and speak Old English. The word English
5th century AD
comes from the Angles, the name of one of the tribes. Modern English words like water and strong come from Old English. The Vikings invade and introduce new words.
1066 AD
The Normans invade Britain and French becomes the official language. The English language changes and imports many words from French, for example beef.
Modern English has its roots in the time of Shakespeare. Latin and Greek have a big influence because they are the languages for scholars. English uses many Latin words ending in -us or -um, for example curriculum and circus. Words that end in -ology (the study of) and -phobia (the irrational fear of) originate from Greek words, for example biology and arachnophobia
16th century to 19th century
Explorers and travellers bring many new words from around the world: words for animals (zebra from Kongo, an African language), food (chocolate from Nahuatl, the Aztec language clothes (pyjamas from Hindi in India), drinks (tea from Chinese), mathematical terms (algebra from Arabic) and musical terms (piano from Italian).
The English language continues to grow, especially with new words in science and technology, for example microchip and cyberspace.
2 Read the text and answer the questions.
1 Where does the word English come from?
2 Which two words come from Old English?
3 Where does the English word beef come from?
4 What language does the word chocolate come from?
5 What word comes from Hindi?
6 Where does the word algebra come from?
3 Read the text again and look at these words. Do you think their origin is Latin or Greek? Copy the table and write each word in the correct column.
Latin words
Greek words
Starter unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Revision 1
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Revision 2
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Revision 3
Across the curriculum
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