На странице ответы на Страница 143 из учебника по информатике для 7 класса Босовой
3 Choose the correct answers.
1 Lascaux is in France.
a) Spain.
b) France.
c) Russia.
2 There are cave paintings in Lascaux.
a) animals
b) cave paintings
c) humans
3 Lascaux had over 1200 visitors every day.
a) 17 000
b) 1963
c) 1200
4 Lascaux closed in 1963.
a) 1983.
b) 1940.
c) 1963.
5 There are copies of the original paintings in Lascaux II.
a) copies of the original paintings
b) real animals
c) dangerous tourists
Do a project about another group of prehistoric people called Homo Habilis.
Decide what information you want to find out.
Find some information about Homo Habilis.
Try this link:
Make some notes about when and where they lived, tools and weapons, culture, food.
Present your material
Write a text about Homo Habilis and draw some pictures to illustrate your text.
Take your project to class and show it to your teacher and your classmates.
3 Choose the correct answers.
1 Lascaux is in France.
a) Spain.
b) France.
c) Russia.
2 There are cave paintings in Lascaux.
a) animals
b) cave paintings
c) humans
3 Lascaux had over 1200 visitors every day.
a) 17 000
b) 1963
c) 1200
4 Lascaux closed in 1963.
a) 1983.
b) 1940.
c) 1963.
5 There are copies of the original paintings in Lascaux II.
a) copies of the original paintings
b) real animals
c) dangerous tourists
Do a project about another group of prehistoric people called Homo Habilis.
Decide what information you want to find out.
Find some information about Homo Habilis.
Try this link:
Make some notes about when and where they lived, tools and weapons, culture, food.
Present your material
Write a text about Homo Habilis and draw some pictures to illustrate your text.
Take your project to class and show it to your teacher and your classmates.
Starter unit
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Revision 1
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Revision 2
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9
Revision 3
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