Страница 99- ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс Учебник Биболетова, Трубанева

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55. Listen to the conversation between the journalist and Mr Godfrey, the guest in the studio. Complete the sentence. Послушайте разговор журналиста и мистера Годфри, гостя в студии. Завершите предложение.
Аудио к заданию:
− Hello, Mr Godfrey, I’m so glad to see you here at last.
− Hello!
− I want to start with the question people often ask: «What will happen if one day the Internet breaks down? Would the whole world collapse?»
− I wouldn’t put it like that. Firstly, it’s a very unlikely situation that the Internet will break down. Lots of scientists and engineers do a lot to make it next to impossible.
− But theoretically speaking it is still possible, isn’t it?
− Everything is possible. But I don’t think it’ll be a catastrophe. The virtual world is already integrated into our life. Lots of processes are controlled by computers. Of course, there will be lots of problems in the spheres of transport and economy. However, people can count on them. It is people who created the virtual world, not vice versa.
− Are you saying there are no dangers at all?
− Well. it’s not like that. But the main danger is panic. We need to remember that all technical problems, even global ones, can be overcome.
− Sounds optimistic. Thank you! Now let’s go to the main topic about today’s talk.

56. Read the conversation between the journalist and Mr Godfrey. Do you agree with Mr Godfrey’s optimistic view? Give your arguments. Прочтите разговор журналиста и мистера Годфри. Согласны ли вы с оптимистичным взглядом мистера Годфри?

57. Write about what your life would be like without the Internet. Use the scheme below. Start and end your writing with one of the suggested options. Напишите, какой была бы ваша жизнь без Интернета. Воспользуйтесь схемой ниже. Начните и закончите писать одним из предложенных вариантов.

58. Use the Internet to do some research. Think of a person (scientist, businessman, artist etc) who became famous thanks to the Internet. Prepare a short text about him / her. Используйте Интернет, чтобы провести небольшое исследование. Подумайте о человеке (ученом, бизнесмене, художнике и т. д.), который прославился благодаря Интернету. Подготовьте небольшой текст о нем / ней.

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