Страница 20- ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс Учебник Биболетова, Трубанева

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54. Complete the story with a — e. Read the text aloud. Завершите рассказ буквами a − e. Прочтите текст вслух.

The Russian dogs Belka (Squirrel) and Strelka (Arrow) were the first animals in orbit who were able to safely return to the Earth.
Before the flight the dogs had special training. On 19th August 1960, Belka and Strelka spent a whole day aboard Sputnik. During the flight they were accompanied by forty−two mice, two rats, a grey rabbit, flies and some plants. The flight was dangerous because the scientists did not really know what would happen to a living creature in orbit. During the flight the dogs were obedient and calm though they sometimes barked loudly. While the animals were travelling round the Earth, scientists did several scientific experiments. Belka and Strelka were flying in space more than one day. On their return, the dogs became international celebrities.

55. Listen, repeat and read. Прослушайте, повторите и прочитайте.

56. Look at the yesterday’s timetable in the Young Astronauts’ Camp. Say what the young astronauts were doing at: Взгляните на вчерашнее расписание в Лагере юных космонавтов. Скажите, чем занимались молодые астронавты в:

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