Страница 9 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Starlight Учебник Баранова, Дули, Копылова, Мильруд, Эванс

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Hot job
When it comes to tough jobs, nothing beats being a smokejumper!

Smokejumpers are elite firefighting who risk their lives fighting forest fires in remote areas. They bravely parachute out of aeroplanes into into burning forests, where they quickly get to work putting the fire out.

A smokejumper’s duties are not easy. They have to do long, tough training before they can become part of team. Smokejumpers need to be very good parachutists, and know how to read maps to get out of a forest safely: “To be a smokejumper you need to be very fit, and able to work for long hours in difficult conditions,” says Zach Meyers, a smokejumper at West Yellowstone. “We train all the time and we’re always trying to improve.”

When they parachute into a fire zone, they wear a padded jump jacket and trousers, boots, gloves, a face mask and helmet. They also carry backpack with some food and water, and a fire shelter. The aeroplane drops the tools and equipment they need to fight the fire. “People think that smokejumpers have a very dangerous job, but we don’t see it like that,” says Zach with a smile. “This job keeps me happy. I love the feeling I get when a jump out of the aeroplane and fly through the air. I wouldn’t want any other job in the world.”

Use words from the Check these words box to complete the sentences.

Read the theory. Find examples in the text.

Form adverbs. Use them to complete the sentences (1-6).

Read the text again and make notes under the headings: job, duties, qualities needed, clothes & equipment and feelings. Imagine you are Zach. Use your notes to present your job to the class.

Think! Would you like to work as a smokejumper? Why? Why not? In three minutes write a few sentences about the topic. Read your sentences to your partner or the class.

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