Страница 103 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Starlight Учебник Баранова, Дули, Копылова, Мильруд, Эванс

На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Страница 103 из учебника по английскому языку 7 класс Баранова
Read the newspaper report extracts. What is each one about?

а) Listen and say. Below are questions a police offficer asked a witness of a crime. Which report do they match, A or B?
b) Listen and read to find out.

Find sentences in the dialogue which mean: What did you witness? – What took place after that? – Did you see what any of the gang looked like? – Not really. – I appreciate your help.

Read the definition. Listen to the words and find the added sound.

Imagine you are the witness, John Jones, in the incident in report B. Your partner is a police officer. Act out your dialogue. Follow the plan.

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