На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Unit test 8a из тестов по английскому языку 7 класс Ваулина
Underline the correct item.
1. Toxic fumes pollute / wipe out the air we breathe.
2. Governments have tried / have been trying to reduce air pollution for years.
3. Paula is working / has been working for hours!
4. He has been studying since / for this morning.
5. John has been sleeping / slept for two hours now!
6. Your handwriting is not clear. I can’t make up / out what you’ve written.
7. We should use rain / solar power to heat our homes.
8. Some / Any factories have new technologies that reduce toxic emissions.
9. They had a fight but they soon made to / up.
10. Acid rain poisons / wastes trees and plants.
Underline the correct item.
1. Toxic fumes pollute / wipe out the air we breathe.
2. Governments have tried / have been trying to reduce air pollution for years.
3. Paula is working / has been working for hours!
4. He has been studying since / for this morning.
5. John has been sleeping / slept for two hours now!
6. Your handwriting is not clear. I can’t make up / out what you’ve written.
7. We should use rain / solar power to heat our homes.
8. Some / Any factories have new technologies that reduce toxic emissions.
9. They had a fight but they soon made to / up.
10. Acid rain poisons / wastes trees and plants.
Ключи к тестам
Ключи к Unit Tests