Unit test 4c — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Test Booklet Spotlight Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дженни, Подоляко О.Е. Юнит тесты

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Choose the correct item.
1. Helen came up _ the idea of organising a Christmas bazaar.
A. to
B. for
C. with
2. Are there any _ animals on the streets of your city?
A. stray
B. insects
C. grown
3. How many _ does your swimming club have?
A. elections
B. members
C. weddings
4. Tom was _ with a prize for his success in the Short Story Competition.
A. awarded
B. proved
C. helped
5. My sister got her degree in Medicine. We’re all _ of her.
A. stray
B. proud
C. brave
6. Did you watch the football _ on TV? It was a great match!
A. final
B. winners
C. members
7. Word soon got _ that Coffee Time Donuts are the best!
A. up
B. across
C. around
8. Did you take _ in the clean−up day last week?
A. part
B. place
C. people
9. Do you have to _ classes at university?
A. go
B. watch
C. attend
10. Who’s the _ of your city?
A. demonstration
B. mayor
C. ceremony
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