Unit test 7a — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Test Booklet Spotlight Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дженни, Подоляко О.Е. Юнит тесты

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Choose the correct item.
1. She is just _ intelligent as he is.
A. as
B. most
2. Martin is _ than John.
A. youngest
B. younger
3. My grandfather is the _ man on Earth!
A. wiser
B. wisest
4. Emily is more beautiful _ Jane.
A. then
B. than
5. Frank is not _ clever as Jim.
A. than
B. as
6. A snail is _ fast as a rabbit.
A. not as
B. more than
7. She completed the task more _ this time.
A. easily
B. easier
8. Tom Cruise is _ than Ben Stiller.
A. most famous
B. more famous
9. It has to be _ biggest dog I’ve ever seen.
A. than
B. the
10. He was _ than her.
A. smarter
B. smart
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