Unit 8 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 7 класса Рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Ваулина Ю.Е., Эванс В., Подоляко О.Е. Модуль 8

Решение заданий 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 на Unit 8 из рабочей тетради по английскому языку 7 класс Ваулина

1. Underline the correct form.

  1. They have talked / have been talking about it all morning.
  2. He’s not here because he has been going / has gone to work. He’ll be back at 4 o’clock.
  3. The children cleaned / have been cleaning the playground yesterday.
  4. She has studied / has been studying all day.
  5. I worked / have been working without a break since 8 o’clock.
  6. I have been walking / walked to the park last week.

2. What do/don’t you have to do on every day of the week?

Monday 1. _

Tuesday 2. _

Wednesday 3._

Thursday 4. _

Friday 5. _

Saturday 6. _

Sunday 7. _

On Mondays I have to do my homework, but I don’t have to clean up my room.

3. Fill in the sentences with have to, don’t have to.

  1. You _ go to the desert to see camels. You can see them at the zoo.
  2. You _ work hard if you want to become a doctor. It is not easy.
  3. You _ come with me. I’m the only one who knows how to get there.
  4. We _ do something to protect the environment.
  5. You _ give me a lift. I will walk.
  6. You _ do the washing up. Patty has done it already.

4. Underline the correct word.

Dear Patty,
Hi there!

How are you?

We 1) have been learning / learn about pollution at school this week and how it destroys the natural 2) areas / habitats of many animals.

We 3) have to / don’t have to protect these endangered species before they disappear altogether.

For example, acid rain 4) damages / has been damaging the environment for years.

It starts with the smoke from power 5) stations / factories and the fumes from car exhausts!

The clouds take in the smoke and then it rains down on us!

We 6) have to / don’t have to do much to reduce pollution.

We can do little things like walking to school instead of taking the bus, and recycling our rubbish.

The government 7) has been talking / was talking about the problem and it is trying to find ways to reduce acid rain.

Write and tell me what you 8) done / have been doing at school.


5. Match the clauses to the questions tags.

1. This is a disaster, a. couldn’t I?

2. You can’t see it, b. aren’t they?

3. This story isn’t true, c. didn’t he?

4. My parents are really happy, d. can you?

5. Steve told her, e. isn’t it?

6. I could join as well, f. is it?

7. Circle the correct answer.

  1. We _ stop polluting the environment.
  2. A. don’t have

    B. have not

    C. have to

  3. They have been _ up litter all morning.
  4. A. pick

    B. picking

    C. picks

  5. We _ cook tonight. Cindy has invited us to dinner at her place.
  6. A. must have

    B. don’t have to

    C. have to

  7. She doesn’t work here anymore, _ ?
  8. A. is she

    B. doesn’t she

    C. does she

  9. You _ to come with me. I can’t go there on my own.
  10. A. have

    B. must

    C. should

  11. We’ve _ a wonderful new car.
  12. A. buy

    B. bought

    C. buying

  13. You _ study hard if you want to go to university.
  14. A. have

    B. must

    C. need

  15. You couldn’t lend me £10 till the end of the week, _ ?
  16. A. did you

    B. could you

    C. will you

  17. I’ve been _ about you all day.
  18. A. think

    B. thought

    C. thinking

  19. Do I really _ do my homework?

A. have to

B. must

C. should

8. What’s the English for:

  • a) выделять токсичные пары; загрязнение воздуха и почвы; естественная среда обитания; кислотные дожди; отходы промышленного производства;
  • b) виды животных, находящихся под угрозой вымирания; перерабатывать банки; собирать мусор;
  • c) придумывать предложения; понять почерк; помириться с кем−либо; чистить пруд; записаться в кружок; аргументы за и против; уничтожать многие виды рыб; уехать из города?

9. Translate the sentences:

  1. – Правительство пытается уменьшить загряжнение воздуха, не так ли? – Верно, сейчас существуют новые правила пользования автомобилями.
  2. Ребятам пришлось собрать мусор, да?
  3. Кислотные дожди уже много лет наносят серьезный вред лесам Швеции.
  4. – Ты с утра строишь скворечники, не так ли? – Да, хочу закончить как можно быстрее, присоединяйся, поможешь.
  5. Возьми садовые перчатки, грабли и лейку и помоги отцу в саду.

10. Translate the text:

Экологическая ситуация на планете Земля очень неблагоприятная.

Из−за загрязнения воздуха, воды и почвы многие виды птиц и животных находятся в опасности.

Кислотные дожди отравляют воду и почву.

Многие виды рыб и растений погибают.

Мы должны сделать все, что можем, чтобы уменьшить загрязнение окружающей среды.

Нужно быть друзьями природы: сажать цветы, убирать мусор, отправлять его на вторичную переработку, чистить пруды, реки и озера.

Мы должны постараться сохранить естественную среду обитания животных.

Модуль 1
Модуль 2
Модуль 3
Модуль 4
Модуль 5
Модуль 6
Модуль 7
Модуль 8
Модуль 9
Модуль 10
Работа в парах
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