На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Unit Test 5a из тестов по английскому языку 6 класс Ваулина
Underline the correct item.
1. Please do/make the dusting.
2. Can I do/make a phone call?
3. My dad always does/makes the gardening.
4. She usually does/makes a cup of tea at four o’clock.
5. Do you want to blow/eat my party horn?
6. I’m baking/doing a cake.
7. Geoff is drinking/eating a sandwich.
8. Kelly is dancing/talking to the music.
9. Tammy is playing/spending the drums.
10. Ralph is getting/talking on his mobile phone.
Underline the correct item.
1. Please do/make the dusting.
2. Can I do/make a phone call?
3. My dad always does/makes the gardening.
4. She usually does/makes a cup of tea at four o’clock.
5. Do you want to blow/eat my party horn?
6. I’m baking/doing a cake.
7. Geoff is drinking/eating a sandwich.
8. Kelly is dancing/talking to the music.
9. Tammy is playing/spending the drums.
10. Ralph is getting/talking on his mobile phone.