Test 7B — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 6 класса Test Booklet Spotlight Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дженни, Подоляко О.Е. Tests

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A.Fill in the correct word.
• weekly
• ghost
• ruined
• puzzled
• rush
• knock
• mines
• worried
• introduce
• naughty
• loud
e.g. He heard a loud noise and ran.
1. The streets were empty. It was like a _ town.
2. The police were _ . They had no idea who stole the money.
3. Can I _ myself? My name is Henry Smith.
4. Fred was very _ yesterday. He didn’t do his homework.
5. There were many _ buildings in the town that people wanted to rebuild.
6. There are a lot of _ health magazines that give good advice about diets.
7. We have got a lot of time. You don’t need to _ .
8. She was _ because her sister didn’t come home after school.
9. You must _ on the door before you enter my room.
10. There are many gold _ in South Africa.

B.Match the adjectives to their opposites.
e.g. wealthy B
11. relaxed
12. crowded
13. clean
14. beautiful
15. busy
A. deserted
B. poor
C. stressed
D. quiet
E. polluted
F. ugly

C.Complete the types of buildings.
e.g. garage
16. h _ _ e _
17. p _ _ _ o _ _ _ _ _
18. _ e _ t _ _ r _ _ _
19. _ al _ _ _
20. s _ _ o _ l

D.Write the correct past form of the irregular verbs.
e.g. have – had
21. drink –
22. see –
23. go –
24. find –
25. hear –
26. come –
27. read –
28. give –
29. make –
30. be –

E.Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
e.g. Judy went (go) to the cinema with friends last night.
31. Mike _ (walk) to school yesterday.
32. Walt Disney _ (die) in 1966.
33. I _ (spend) €40 on a new dictionary.
34. My parents _ (decide) to take a few days off work and paint the house.
35. Mark _ (not / sing) at the karaoke last night.
36. Our teacher _ (say) that the class was very good today.
37. Peter _ (shout) at his sister this morning.
38. My grandparents _ (meet) during the war.
38. Be careful. We _ (pay) a lot of money for that vase.
40. I’m sorry. I _ (not / do) my homework last night.

F.Choose the correct response.
e.g. What was in it? C
41. Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s Office?
42. Here you are.
43. Do any of these look familiar?
44. Thank you very much.
45. What does it look like?
A. Yes. What can I do for you?
B. You’re welcome.
C. Some money and a camera.
D. Thank you.
E. It’s black with a silver handle.
F. Yes, the one in the corner is mine.

G.Read the text and choose the best word A, B or C for each space.
Saturday, 14th June
I had e.g. a great day! I woke up 46) _ 8 o’clock and the sky 47) _ blue. I met Larry and George at the port at nine and we left for Little Island. The sea was calm and the trip only 48) _ an hour. When we 49) _ , we went swimming and then we had a picnic on the beach.
50) _ the afternoon we went for a walk around the island. We found an empty house on the top of a hill. There 51) _ a lot of strange paintings on the walls of the house. It was cool!
When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decided to leave the island but then the sea was 52) _ rough. The boat moved up and down and from side to side. We 53) _ afraid but it was also fun. It took 54) _ two hours to get back but we arrived safely.
When I got home, mum was very worried but I 55) _ her that I had had a really great day!
A. an
B. the
C. a
A. on
B. at
C. of
A. had
B. was
C. were
A. was
B. last
C. took
A. came
B. got
C. arrived
A. On
B. In
C. At
A. were
B. was
C. had
A. much
B. lot
C. very
A. was
B. were
C. are
A. our
B. us
C. them
A. said
B. heard
C. told

H.You will hear two people talking about a town in the past. Listen and circle the correct answer A, B or C.
e.g. Mary and her Grandpa are looking at
A. old photographs.
B. old paintings.
C. old books.
56. In the place of the Cathedral Hotel, there is
A. a music college.
B. an art college.
C. a business college.
57. In the past, Manchester was
A. interesting.
B. dangerous.
C. beautiful.
58. A lot of people worked in
A. restaurants.
B. the mines.
C. shops.
59. In the past, Market Street was
A. busy.
B. quiet.
C. boring.
60. Today, the library has
A. many visitors.
B. very few visitors.
C. no visitors at all.

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