На этой странице рассмотрим все ответы на Test 10A 10 B из тестов по английскому языку 6 класс Ваулина
− So, where are you going with your family on holiday this year, Sebastian?
− We are going on a luxury cruise.
− Wow! Where?
− Around the Mediterranean.
− Fantastic! How long for?
− Two weeks all together. We are going to some great places.
− Really? Where?
− Well, first we are going to spend six days sailing around the Greek islands.
− Oh, that will be fun.
− Then we’re going to Alexandria in Egypt.
− Are you staying there for long?
− No, just for two days. Then onto Sicily for another few days.
− Sicily is great. I was there last year.
− We are going to be there for three days.
− That’s plenty. Is that the end of the cruise then?
− No, we are also goind to Malta for two days and then we’re coming home.
− I hope you’ll have a fabulous time.
− Thanks.
− So, where are you going with your family on holiday this year, Sebastian?
− We are going on a luxury cruise.
− Wow! Where?
− Around the Mediterranean.
− Fantastic! How long for?
− Two weeks all together. We are going to some great places.
− Really? Where?
− Well, first we are going to spend six days sailing around the Greek islands.
− Oh, that will be fun.
− Then we’re going to Alexandria in Egypt.
− Are you staying there for long?
− No, just for two days. Then onto Sicily for another few days.
− Sicily is great. I was there last year.
− We are going to be there for three days.
− That’s plenty. Is that the end of the cruise then?
− No, we are also goind to Malta for two days and then we’re coming home.
− I hope you’ll have a fabulous time.
− Thanks.