Рассмотрим ответы на Страница 80 из учебника по английскому языку для 4 класса Быковой
Match the words to their transcriptions. Then write them in ABC order.
1. class
2. salt
3. cook
4. ball
5. hare
6. race
7. tortoise
8. winner
9. zoo
10. fast
11. slow
12. serve
a. /kʊk/
b. /fɑ:st/
c. /heə’/
d. /sɔ:lt/
e. /sɜ:ve/
f. /reɪs/
g. /wɪnə/
h. /sloʊ/
i. /klɑ:s/
j. /tɔ:təs/
k. /bɔ:l/
l. /zu:/
Match the words to their transcriptions. Then write them in ABC order.
1. class
2. salt
3. cook
4. ball
5. hare
6. race
7. tortoise
8. winner
9. zoo
10. fast
11. slow
12. serve
a. /kʊk/
b. /fɑ:st/
c. /heə’/
d. /sɔ:lt/
e. /sɜ:ve/
f. /reɪs/
g. /wɪnə/
h. /sloʊ/
i. /klɑ:s/
j. /tɔ:təs/
k. /bɔ:l/
l. /zu:/
Match the words to their transcriptions. Then write them in ABC order.
1. yellow
2. climb
3. funny
4. bye
5. Italy
6. Poland
7. Russia
8. Spain
9. why
10. listen
11. Greece
12. Turkey
a. /fʌni/
b. /ɪtəli/
c. /waɪ/
d. /rʌʃə/
e. /jeloʊ/
f. /tɜ:ki/
g. /ɡri:s/
h. /speɪn/
i. /baɪ/
j. /poʊlənd/
k. /lɪsn/
l. /klaɪm/
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