Страница 72 (148) — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 4 класса Учебник Быкова Н.И., Дули Д., Поспелова М.Д., Эванс В. Spotlight. Часть 2.

Рассмотрим ответы на Страница 72 (148) из учебника по английскому языку для 4 класса Быковой
Read and match.
A. At first I was scared. But my teacher and classmates were very friendly. I loved my first day at school! (Veronika)
B. At the end of the year we have to say goodbye to primary school and our first teacher. I’m a little bit sad about it. We get special diplomas on this day. (Marina)
C. We sang songs about school and put on a play about the letters. Our parents came to see our concert. Everybody had a really good time. (Nadia)
D. I had a lot of fun on this day. I loved the blini (pancakes). We had a concert and my friends gave a performance with wooden spoons. It was really something! (Slava)

What are your most memorable days at school? Why? Bring photos and present them to your classmates.

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