Страница 66 (134) — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 4 класса Учебник Быкова Н.И., Дули Д., Поспелова М.Д., Эванс В. Spotlight. Часть 2.

Рассмотрим ответы на Страница 66 (134) из учебника по английскому языку для 4 класса Быковой
Look, read and match. (24 points)
1. You wear these when you walk up in the mountains.
2. Girls wear this when they swim.
3. You can swim faster with these.
4. You can sleep in it.
5. We wear these over our eyes when it’s sunny.
6. Boys wear these when they swim.

Read and match. (15 points)
1. Alice is very hungry.
2. Jim wants to buy some biscuits.
3. Mike likes sports.
4. Fiona is going to the baker’s.
5. Jeff is going to the mountains.
a. He’s going to go climbing.
b. He’s going to go to the supermarket.
c. He’s going to play soccer in the park.
d. She’s going to buy some bread.
e. She’s going to make a pizza.

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