Страница 79 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 4 класса Учебник Биболетова, Денисенко, Трубанева Enjoy English Student’s Book

Рассмотрим ответы на Страница 79 из учебника по английскому языку для 4 класса Биболетовой
Read one more story about the smart little Bird. Complete it with the correct forms of the verbs.
A smart little Bird flew (fly) to a house in the country because she wanted to have breakfast. She … (run) from one room to another (в другую) and suddenly she … (see) a big grey Cat. The Cat … (jump) and … (catch) the Bird. “Now I can have a nice breakfast,” the Cat … (say).
“You can’t have breakfast now,” … (say) the Bird. “You must wash first. The farmer and his family always (всегда) wash their hands before breakfast. You live in their house and you must do what they do.”
“All right,” the Cat … (say). “I live with the farmer’s family and in their house, and I must do what they do.” And the Cat opened his mouth and … (begin) to wash. But when he … (be) clean and … (want) to begin his breakfast, he did not find the bird. The smart little Bird … (fly) away. She … (be) in the garden in a tall tree. She … (be) happy and … (begin) to sing. “Now I see,” the Cat … (say).
“I must wash, but I must wash after dinner.” And now all cats wash after dinner.

Find out who said:
1) “Now I can have breakfast.”
2) “You can’t have breakfast now.”
3) “The farmer and his family always wash their hands before breakfast.”
4) “I live with the farmer’s family and I must do what they do.”
5) “I must wash, but I must wash after dinner.”

Answer the why−questions.
1) Why did the Bird fly to a house?
2) Why did the grey Cat catch the Bird?
3) Why did the grey Cat begin to wash?
4) Why didn’t the grey Cat find the Bird?
5) Why did the grey Cat say, “I must wash after dinner?”

Look at the pictures. Read and follow Miss Chatter’s manners.
If you want to visit your friends, call up before (заранее).
Don’t be late. Come on time.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Don’t talk with your mouth full (с полным ртом).
Say “thank you” and “goodbye”.

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