Страница 14 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 4 класса Учебник Биболетова, Денисенко, Трубанева Enjoy English Student’s Book

Рассмотрим ответы на Страница 14 из учебника по английскому языку для 4 класса Биболетовой
Rex is a kind dog. He is Donkey’s new friend. What does he say?
I’ll play with you tomorrow.
I … walk with you in the park in an hour.
I … play badminton with you next summer.
I … dance for you next week.
I … play snowballs with you next winter.

Say what you will do tomorrow. Use the words from the box.
Example: I’ll visit my friend tomorrow.

ride my scooter
send a postcard to my friend
read fairy tales
help my mum
visit my grandma
play table tennis
play computer games
listen to music
draw funny pictures
go to school

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