Страница 108 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 4 класса Учебник Биболетова, Денисенко, Трубанева Enjoy English Student’s Book

Рассмотрим ответы на Страница 108 из учебника по английскому языку для 4 класса Биболетовой
Look at the picture. Describe the classroom.
Use: There is / are … in the classroom.

Write the words that are missing.
Example: write – wrote.
1) … − counted
2) ask − …
3) … − listened
4) … − spoke
5) … − read [red]
6) … − learned
7) draw − …
8) tell − …

Read funny stories. Choose the story you like best. Act it out with your classmate.
Jason. My dad does not know what a horse is.
Teacher. Why do you think so, Jason?
Jason. Because I drew a horse yesterday and showed it to my dad and he asked me what it was.

* * *
John. Would you be angry (сердиться) with a student for something he didn’t do?
Teacher. Of course not.
John. That’s good because I didn’t do my homework.
* * *
Teacher. Bob, why don’t you wash your face? I can see what you had for breakfast this morning.
Bob. What was it?
Teacher. Eggs, I think.
Bob. No. That was yesterday!

* * *
Becky. Simon, your father is a teacher but you cannot read and write.
Simon. So your father is a dentist but your little brother Bill still has no teeth.

Listen and say which subject Mag likes.

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