Страница 47 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс Spotlight

Решение заданий 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 со страницы 47 учебника по английскому языку для 5 класса Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс Spotlight

3. Look at the pictures and the title of the article. What is the article about? Listen, read and check.

4. a) Mark the statements 1-4 T (true) or F (false). b) Read the text aloud. Then, explain the words in bold.

5. Make notes under the headings, then talk about the house in the text to the class.

  • where
  • number of rooms/floors

Use the headings to talk about your house.

6. Look at the text. Is it an advert or a letter? Listen and complete the gaps (1-5).

7. Listen and repeat. Then read out the sentences.

GAME. Play in teams. Mime an activity you are doing in a room. The other team guesses where you are.

8. Portfolio: Write a short paragraph describing your house/flat. Write about: rooms, special features (e.g. garden, garage, etc). You can stick on a picture.

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