Страница 104 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 5 класса Учебник Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс Spotlight

Решение заданий 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 со страницы 104 учебника по английскому языку для 5 класса Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс Spotlight

1. Match the words to form collocations.

2. Find ten foods/drinks.

3. Fill in the missing letters.

4. Choose the correct word.

5. Fill in the gaps with: some, any, much, many.

6. Use the prompts to complete the exchanges.

Now I Can …

  • talk and write about festivals and celebrations
  • talk about and order food / drinks
  • write a birthday party plan
  • make suggestions about food for a party
  • write a magazine entry about how we celebrate birthdays in my country
  • talk and write about kitchen safety

… in English!

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