Страница 52 — ГДЗ по Английскому языку для 9 класса Рабочая тетрадь (Workbook) Эванс В., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е., Ваулина Ю.Е. Spotlight

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1. Fill in the correct form of the adjective in brackets.

2. Fill in the correct form of the adjective/adverb in brackets.

3. Underline the correct item.
The portrait that Henry’s painted is a slightly/bit more accurate than Billy’s.
After weeks of practicing, it’s getting easier and easier/easy and easier to learn how to play a song on my guitar.
The opera was a lot of/much more entertaining than I had expected.
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is certainly much/very more romantic than Othello.
The more famous an artist is, the highest/the higher price his works fetch.

4. Choose the correct word for each sentence.

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